Blog posts of all the latest work

Music David Cavan Music David Cavan

Bears Den // Belfast

One of my albums of last year was Bear's Den – Islands - incredible work by a great band. However I was a bit late to the party, the first time they played Belfast I was relatively unaware of them. However in March I was doing wedding photos in Texas of all places, and the first dance was about to happen and these lads got up on stage to sing the couple through this normally slightly awkward tradition. It was only after they played I found out who they were. As you can see in the photo below, they fully bought into the Texan look! 


After leaving Texas I made sure to look up this 'first dance band' - to my joy, I loved their stuff. They also released one of the best & beautiful music videos I have ever seen - shot & directed by Marcus Haney - Elysium.

So when they were calling through Belfast to play in Voodoo & I was offered the opportunity to take some photos of the band as they hung out before the gig and then some shots of the gig itself, I jumped at the chance. Now the only time I have done music photography was YEARS ago at a Foy Vance gig and then more recently at an Ellie Goulding gig in Madison Square Garden in New York [Will feature this in a future blog]. So I wasn't sure what to expect, but I had met some of the band & their management team before, so knew it would be a good laugh anyway. I love documenting parts of experiences that people dont get to see, the behind the scenes parts. So here are a selection from soundcheck right through to the end of the show. I didn't do photos whilst we where eating dinner at Made In Belfast because we were all enjoying eating too much.

So do me a favour and have a look some of the photos from that night, however do yourself a favour and listen to their stuff and/or catch them on the remainder of their UK/European Tour - Dates HERE

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Humanitarian David Cavan Humanitarian David Cavan

Uganda // Tearfund Rhythms

During February of last year [2014] I had the opportunity to head out to Uganda with Tearfund and in particular their youth dept - Rhythms 

I work park time in this dept and when the opportunity came about, I was asked to go along and shot some photos and video for a number of different UK organisations who wanted to partner with Tearfund. So 11 of us jumped on a plane to head out to visit some Tearfund partners in Uganda for 6 days.  

Organisations that where represented:

Youth for Christ GB

Church of Ireland Youth Dept



Summer Madness

QUB COI Chaplaincy - The Hub 

Zion Christian Centre

We visited a wide range of partners, some who housed street children and showed them what it meant to be part of a family, to partners who work in their local community to educate people on HIV/AIDS and other issues that come up. The same partner as allowed visited a group of young men who attended their boxing club, this was a great way to keep them fit and show them discipline. We also visited a community who had been supported by a Tearfund partner to get fresh clean water and sanitation, which has literally been a game changer for the people in the village. It still means they have to do runs down to the water pump, which was a 20 mins walk up and down a hill, but at least the water is clean from a pump. 

We met some incredible people, however, the person who stuck with me the most was Luke [pictured below].


Luke was the driver of the bus which took us around each of the partners and worked with us each day. Not only as a photographer, but as a person, I have always been interested peoples story. Listening to what life was like for Luke was tough, but one I will hold dear. I had many conversations with Luke during my time in Kampala, this was because I was last getting on to the bus last most of the time due to getting gear ready for the next shoot which meant I would sit in the front with him. Luke assisted me in some of these shoots and was just so unbelievably patient and supportive. I have been very fortunate to see lots of places around the world, but I sincerely say the pictures in my mind of mountains, valleys, coastlines and waterfalls, have faded with time, but the faces of people whose story I have entered into, and they into mine are as clear today as they where the moment I experienced them. 

Whenever I say to people that I have been to Uganda to work, peoples reaction seems to go one of two ways;

1. People who have been to the Uganda, tell me of how much they loved it and how amazing the people there are so special. They normally comment on how happy they are even though the have so little.

2. People who haven't been, will ask me what it is like out there, and try to explain to me how heartbroken they are by the images the see or the stories the hear. 

Both are obviously a their representation of their truth and own personal experience. For me though, I embrace both reactions with the same attitude, an attitude where I completely see both sides. I have first hand and second hand experience of the joys and horrors of life in the developing world. The challenge as a photographer and story teller through the images I take, is to have a clear and accurate essay of photos that represent what I see when I am on the ground. So in these photos you will see children who look extremely troubled, and children who are loving the innocence and freedom of being a child and in others you'll see the reality of what its like to be a man who has lost his legs due to cancer but still has to work his family land.

Humanity is a beautiful and complex thing. Just as each of us are. There are times that our life can be really tough their circumstance within or outside of our control and of course it is all relative to what your life is like day-to-day. This is true no matter where in the world I go, however the only difference I can see is that for people living and growing up in the developing world, when life is tough, on average, compared to my life or the lives of my friends and family at home, it is through things outside of their control. A challenge that has been placed on my heart is to stand shoulder to shoulder with people around the world I have met and are still to meet, and as one humanity say to each other 'Out of your lack meet my plenty & out of my lack meet your plenty'

Below is everyone who went out and a picture of all the gear that had to come with me.

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Engagement David Cavan Engagement David Cavan

Pete & Fi // Engagement // Wake Board on the Bann

This time I bumped into Pete & Fi at the gym last year. I noticed them straight away, their love for life is just so obvious. So when they called one day to ask about wedding photography I got very excited. 

Both of them are very talented at the day jobs, but I started to notice that one topic of conversation was coming up more and more regularly. Wake Boarding. It turns out that Pete is one of the best there is and at his peak was right up there in world rankings. They spent a big chuck of their time on the water. When Fiona messaged me one day to chat through an engagement shoot, she had an idea. 'How about, we both dress in wedding outfits and get on the water?' I didn't know what to think. First I thought she was joking but my excitement grew with the realisation that she was being serious. So the night we scheduled, was a bit of a wash out. We sat on the boat, with fading light, water bouncing off the river and George [Pete & Fi's sausage dog] curled up in the foot well of the boat, we where just about to call it a day. Fi had got a wedding dress off gumtree and pete was in a suit ready to go. Then, the weather cleared and I thought we had about 15-20 mins good light. So they went for it. 3 times up and down the Bann with Pete pulling these insane flips and tricks with the upmost ease and Fiona elegantly slicing there the wake in A WEDDING DRESS! haha

What a great night. Don't think there will be any wake boarding at their wedding in November but I still can't wait!


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Sarah Francis Sarah Francis

Craig Family

Joining the Craig family as they welcome tiny Poppy to the world and their team was such a pleasure, and their dog seems to be adjusting to his new role as big brother/sister very well.  Thoroughly enjoyed meeting you all, (especially you, little Poppy)

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Sarah Francis Sarah Francis

McFerran Family

A few highlights from a fun afternoon spent with the McFerran Four!

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Sarah Francis Sarah Francis

Richard & Ruth // Wedding // Galgorm

I have known Ric for a good number of years now and a few years ago Ruth was bridesmaid at a wedding I was doing. Whenever they asked me to do their wedding I was really honoured and excited. I had a great day following these guys around and even got out in the evening to catch the sunset over the river at Galgorm. I had the pleasure of being joined by Reuben of Show & Tell, who did the video of their day! 

I have known Ric for a good number of years now and a few years ago Ruth was bridesmaid at a wedding I was doing. Whenever they asked me to do their wedding I was really honoured and excited. I had a great day following these guys around and even got out in the evening to catch the sunset over the river at Galgorm. I had the pleasure of being joined by Reuben of Show & Tell, who did the video of their day! 

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Sarah Francis Sarah Francis

Paul & Tasha // Wedding // Templeton

I was looking forward to this particular wedding for a long time!  Having known the groom's family for a long time I knew this wedding would be full of tenderness and fun, and it exceeded my expectations!  Congratulations Paul & Tasha!

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